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Gastric acid inhibitor

Antacid, anti-ulcer regulator of the gastric acid secretion

Each 100 g contains:

Omeprazol………………….. 37 g

Excipients………… 100 g

Pro-gast is indicated for the treatment and prevention of recurrent gastro-duodenal ulcers, even those caused by Helicobacter pylori, as it optimizes the use of the specific antibiotics for its treatment.

It acts as a specific inhibitor of the hydrogen-ion pump in the gastric parietal cell, causing a reversible inhibition of the stomach acid secretion.

It is also used for the prophylactic treatment of gastritis, esophagitis and irritations or
erosions of the gastro-duodenal mucosa induced by medications, since it produces a reversible inhibition of the stomach acid secretion.

 Target species:

Equines (DO NOT administrate to animals younger than 1 month old or weighing less than 90 Kg).

Withdrawal period:

Do not administer to animals intended to human consumption.

Do not use in other species.

Do not administrate to animals younger than 1 month old or weighing less than 90 Kg.

The effects on pregnant or lactating females are not know.

Route of administration and dosage:

Oral route.

Administer the prescribed dose, according to the animal’s weight and indication -treatment or prevention-, with an oral dosing syringe.

For optimal result, it is recommendable to administer in fasting state and not to feed the animal until half an hour after dosage.

Administer to animals older than 1 month old or weighing over 90 Kg.
Treatment: 1 g of Pro-gast every 90 kg of animal weight (equivalent to 4 mg/kg) for 28-30 consecutive days. To prevent the recurrence of the treated pathologies: 1 g of Pro-gast every 180 kg of animal weight (equivalent to 2 mg/kg) daily the following 28-30 days.

Preventive treatment: 1 g of Pro-gast every 180 kg of animal weight (equivalent to 2 mg/kg lw) for 28-30 consecutive days.

In animals weighing over 550 kg it is recommendable to separate the total dose in two daily applications.

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